Minecraft 0.8.1 ipa
Minecraft 0.8.1 ipa

Moved Grey Wool in the right inventory slot.Changed the flow of Inventory for the Armor/Crafting screens so that the back button goes back to Inventory.When selecting an item in the inventory it replaces the one in the selected slot.If there is 99+ of an item in the inventory, it now shows the actual quantity in crafting table, rather than 99+.Craftable recipes are shown first in the crafting screen.Tapping the now closes the inventory while open.Items being moved to/from a chest is now correctly rendered.New Creative Inventory, with four item categories.Light direction depends on sunlight direction on entities - affects shadows (exclusive to MCPE).Alpha-test-only layers are hidden in far chunks.Separated far and near chunks in two queues for performance reasons.Inventory is now rendered using cached VBOs.Refactored most of the rendering to use indexed VBOs.Water fades to non-transparent in the distance (iOS only).

minecraft 0.8.1 ipa

Held items are now rendered in 3D, and bob up and down slightly when idle and sway to the side when turning.3D Clouds with new tessellation algorithm.The textures of some blocks are randomly rotated, for a more natural effect.Sand and Gravel now spawn resources when falling on torches, etc.Improved Signs and Chests synchronization lag in multiplayer.Lava buckets can now be placed in furnace to smelt items (100 items).Eating particles are shown to look like the food being eaten rather than random pixels from the food.Redstone Ore now drops Redstone when mined.In creative mode, players stop burning as soon as they exit fire/lava.Flowers now spawn other flowers when Bone Meal is used.Pumpkin and melon stems only grow by one when bone meal is used.Now grows Sugar Cane to maximum height (exclusive to MCPE).Can grow Ferns and Tall Grass in survival and creative.Mining speed in Creative mode increases at/near mining distance limit (8 blocks per second).Cocoa Beans (crafted from Orange dye and Ink sac).Ink Sac (currently unobtainable in survival mode).

minecraft 0.8.1 ipa

  • Redstone (cannot be placed as Redstone Dust yet.).
  • Obtained from the Nether Reactor like Melon seeds.
  • Have a 1/15 chance of popping out from grass when hoed.
  • Although Beetroots will be a source of red dye, Red Mushrooms still will give red dye when smelted.
  • Jungle Wood, Leaves, Wood Planks, Slabs,and Stairs.
  • Birch and Spruce Wood Planks, Slabs, and Stairs.
  • Minecarts sometimes spin out of control.
  • minecraft 0.8.1 ipa

  • MCPE-6187 Baked Potatoes missing name and description.
  • MCPE-4495 Liquids not showing up to other players over LAN.
  • Charcoal texture changed to 1.6 texture.
  • Added interface for controller features.
  • #Minecraft 0.8.1 ipa tv#

  • Added controller support Amazon's Fire TV controller.

  • Minecraft 0.8.1 ipa